Our Mission

Our business is about people. How can we make a difference in someone’s life? Sometimes it’s the littlest things that stay with us and make the biggest difference in our lives. We may not even notice and that’s ok.
How can skin care make a difference in someone’s life? Well maybe it will or maybe not, but if we feel good about ourselves, we are likely to be more of who we are. It is our goal to produce products that will help your skin to become glowing and healthy, naturally!
Providing a positive, uplifting environment to work in is very important! We want people to enjoy working for us whether on the farm or the skin care business!
Of course, we have a dairy goat farm! Animals are very therapeutic and our goats love to interact with people. We like to work with young people and private visits are offered by appointment.
Overall, our goal is to offer you products that are:
- Good for your skin, which will make a difference for you.
- Produced in an encouraging, uplifting environment.
- Made with milk from our goats that love people and will give hugs (or at least nibbles) to anyone who wants them!