Aloe Vera - This is why we use it in our Moisturizers and Face Cream
Aloe Vera Gel

The Egyptians regarded this plant as “The plant of immortality”. I am not sure I would go quite that far, but it does have a long list of benefits!
- Soothing and healing for burns and sunburns.
- Said to help heal damaged skin up to 8 days faster.
- Protects, nourishes and helps improve natural firmness therefore can help slow the aging process naturally.
- Nourishes dry flaky skin.
- Helpful in healing oily skin and blemishes without being greasy
- May relieve and help heal rashes, eczema and psoriasis.
- Encourages healthy new growth of skin.
The list is a bit longer, but this covers the reason we use it in our moisturizing

cream. Along with the glycerin, goat milk and coconut oil this makes a great moisturizer for your whole body!
The brand of Aloe Vera Gel that we have chosen to use in out products is Organic and it is pure aloe vera gel.
Note: All of our ingredients, including essential oils, are carefully chosen because of the quality and natural benefits that they each offer. These benefits are not FDA approved. We do not claim that the user will see any changes in their skin. We only suggest that others have found improvement. The user should do their own research to determine if they may be benefitted by using our products.